It's all over the web these days: blogposts, studies, tweets, about how doctors are behaving in social media. Are doctors being professional, ethical, non-promotional? Today's Huffington Post article on the subject does a good wrap-up citing TwitterDoctors.Net, site that includes 1300 physicians and their stats, a Jama study, and Kevin Pho, a physician blogger.
What will we be hearing in the coming weeks and months about doctors and social media? Lots! As usual, everyone is worried about the "other guy," that physician who violates patient privacy or who spouts out about subjects on which he/she is not an expert, something that the writer would never do. What is the solution? Come to Doctors 2.0 & You, in Paris, on June 22-23, 2011, the only conference focussed on understanding the doctors' needs in the digital world.
This is interesting topic about how physicians or doctors behave in social media. All of us have the right to keep our personal information, i wish all people wouldn't used social media for their personal interest.
Posted by: social media management | 18 August 2011 at 23:04